My Father, who art in Heaven and Earth, I humbly ask for your grace and love to be bestowed upon this person I know. This person struggles within his mind. The perception of what he sees and feels is distorted and creates fear that keeps him from enjoying life and moving forward. While I have done everything I can possibly do I know there is only one source that he can draw from to overcome this pain, and that is by your grace. He knows you, yet his frustration and pain have created a wall of separation from everyone and everything, including his faith.
I do not pretend to know how you will work this healing out or who you will use, but I trust you can and will. Because he is your son, a child whom you created to glorify your name and to do your will. I lift him up to you, release him to your care and ask Father if there is more for me to do, you give me the wisdom and tools to, I ask for humility not to "think" I know, not to take this into my own hands, and to know if there is nothing I can do but pray, to seek and bring this to you.
From the moment I knew you, until this day, I have ask for your will to be worked out through my life, and it not be to my glory but to yours, and I truly believe this has been and always will be the case.
While others look upon me with an expectation of what they "should" see, I know, you know my heart.
And I know the mistakes I have made, the path I have turned wrong on, and I have and always will seek your grace and forgiveness, and just as I love my children with every breath I take, I know you love me even more. So I know when I seek and ask of you something that is in your will you will be there.
So I end this with a thank you and my heart gives you praise honor and glory for you give in love and grace. I am your daughter always - and I give you thanks and praise for all the gifts of this world, the beauty hidden in everyday things, and the hearts of love and kindness that are all around.
Forever your child, forever will I defend your name, forever will I stay outside of the box, that hinders the glory to be yours.
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