26 May 2011

Dreaming about Life

by Ann Dagata Samples on Friday, April 15, 2011 at 4:46pm

How many of you know you go through dreaming stages throughout your life? 

I have dreamt all my life, but not just random dreams that I don't remember but I go through dream phases where I know I am dreaming future happenings. 

I remember when I put my Deja’vu together with dreams. Mostly because for years I recorded my dreams, the ones that were more like real life, not random events that get jumbled together, but dreams that play out a real story. Most of them at the time made absolutely no sense at all to me, but later when it happened I could go back and look at what I wrote.

I am in a dream phase of the future right now. I have never noted it before like this. It will last anywhere from 1-8 weeks. I talk a lot in my sleep and as my husband tells me it is like a real conversation not some jumbled up words.

I use to walk in my sleep but thankful I don't anymore. LOL

Recently I dreamt my son was being interview by a bunch of reporters because he was the latest golf sensation. When I shared the dream he started laughing only to tell me he has been thinking seriously about getting into professional golf, and was surprised because he had not told anyone about his thoughts. But my kids know me well enough not to be too surprised. 

I get excited to think about dreaming future events, they may not happen for 2,5, 15 years. I also dream a lot about issues that are inside of me that bother me on a subconscious level. I guess it is a way of bringing to my attention so that I can work through the "feeling" not so much the interaction with anyone but myself. 

I would love to hear about your dream experiences. 

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